Home Events Special Events Primordial Medicine Within™ Allergy/Sinus Relief

Primordial Medicine Within™ Allergy/Sinus Relief

Imagine being able to resolve your allergies, digestive disorders, asthma, and other illnesses at the first signs. Or prevent these ailments from happening in the first place! And help protect yourself from the assaults of pollution and high-tech energy fields all around us.

Imagine having a truly healthy, energetic body to fulfill your dreams. To unlock your fullest potential!

I’m Teresa Frease, and I am excited to offer you PRIMORDIAL MEDICINE WITHIN™, a unique, scientific approach designed to teach you how to achieve these goals. Primordial energy is the basis of all life and animates every cell in your body. PRIMORDIAL MEDICINE WITHIN,™ developed by award-winning physician of Oriental medicine and Qi Gong Master, Dr. Dongxun Zhang of Austin, Texas, taps into the innate ability of our cells to grow, heal, and maintain themselves. You can learn to access and direct this original, profound medicine for self-healing.


In this 3 Zoom Sessions Program, you’ll learn:

  • how the innate medicine in your cells can be used for healing
  • how to unlock the hidden medicine within your cells
  • How to use this medicine to help heal your airborne allergies
  • how to work with specific acupressure points to remove blockages contributing to allergies

Take the next profound step in your health—tap into the innate medicine within your body. Click on the link below to register for our PRIMORDIAL MEDICINE WITHIN™ ALLERGY/SINUS RELIEF PROGRAM. Learn to heal your allergies and/or sinus infections.

Click to View All Dates, Fees or Register


May 17 2021


This is session 1 of 3. Introductory Price $300 https://healingsession.as.me/allergyrelief
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

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