Primordial Medicine Within™

Primordial Medicine Within™ Lymphoma Relief


Lymphoma is cancer of the Lymphatic system, and doctors consider it also as a blood cancer. As well as having a high blood cell count, patients also have tumors, usually in the neck area. The treatments for Lymphoma are usually chemotherapy, radiotherapy, bone marrow transplants, and Chinese Medicine. These are the 4 common treatments now in the world. Today, we are talking about the 5th approach to help Lymphoma – Primordial Medicine Within™ (PMW), Self-Healing Program. So, we have Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Bone Marrow Transplant, Chinese Medicine, and now, we have the PMW program.

We can get cancer if we remain in an environment full of toxins, chemicals, or in an environment with strong radiation. Our genes are adjusting all the time, but these situations make our genes change too quickly. If a gene changes too quickly it can cause cancer.

Examples of contributing causes to Lymphoma:

    • Toxic environments, especially new home building and new home remodeling.
    • Staying indoors for long periods of time in these new homes or remodeled homes.
    • Chemicals, Drywall, Carpet, Particle Board, Cardboard Insulation, Plywood, Glue.
    • Beauty Products.
    • Beer (most beer has formaldehyde added as a preservative).
    • Ingesting fruits from orchards sprayed with pesticides.
    • Radiation from sunlight, air travel, and for astronauts, gamma rays from space.


What is Primordial Medicine Within™

Primordial Medicine is the remedy or medicine, already built into our body when we were born. It is the mother medicine, the gift from the creator. It is pre-installed into every cell in the body. All bodies, even animals, have the function to self-healing and self-repair. When we get a wound, it fixes itself. The animals can survive very easily without medications or medical care. For humans. If they do not use the self-healing function very often, it gets degenerated and weakened, especially for those who rely on drugs for a long time. Their function is weaker.

However, even though the primordial medicine function has degenerated it can be strengthened and switched back on. Degeneration can occur not only from lack of use of the function, but also from, e.g., overuse of medication, pollution from the air, water, and food.


The Program

After taking the Primordial Medicine Within™ Chemotherapy Relief program, the Primordial Medicine Within™ Lymphoma Relief program can be taken. This program addresses the specific needs of a person under long term treatment, which is often the case with Lymphoma and Leukemia patients.

This initial self- healing training program consists of 3 classes lasting about 1 to 1.25 hours. Once you receive the initial training, it is beneficial to follow up with some further sessions, according to your needs. This deepens the healing and supports you and your practice as you go through medical treatment.

Classes are held online.

The Program includes:

1. Theory of Primordial Medicine Within™
2. Intentional self-healing mental techniques, Purpose:

    • To turn on the ‘medicine within’ for healing.
    • To regulate the hormones the body needs, right away.
    • To help with the side-effects of chemotherapy.
    • A powerful mental technique designed to make the DNA more effective at
      accomplishing what you design with the mind.
    • Intentional self-healing mental techniques designed to:
        • Have the mind communicate with and help heal the damaged DNA.
        • Detoxify.
        • Energize.
        • Help prevent recurrence.
        • Make the cells link together and stay in line, to help destroy unwanted
        • Cool and reduce inflammation and infection.
        • Decrease nausea, digestive issues, and fatigue.
        • Help regulate blood count, detoxification, cooling, and healing of
          damaged cells.
        • Strengthen kidney and liver energy.


Email for pricing and upcoming course dates.

What people are saying

“After taking thePrimordial Medicine within™ Webinar for Allergies I now have the tools to prevent an allergy attack.  Recently after working in my yard, I started to experience excessive mucous and a tightening in my throat.  I felt as though my throat was going to close!  I started the meditation I learned for allergies and my throat began to open and the mucous began to dry up.”
Valerie W. Austin, TX

“My skin was burning and red from the radiotherapy. Right, after myPrimordial Medicine within™ session with Teresa, to reduce the side effects of radiotherapy, the burning and inflammation in my skin miraculously reduced dramatically.”
C. B. Austin, TX

“Sometimes I can activate parts of the practice, as I feel an allergic reaction coming on, and stop the symptom before it even happens. I am very grateful to have such a useful tool in my self-healing box.”
Dave M. Boulder, CO

“With Primordial Medicine within™ I’m impressed with how quickly I bounced back from hip replacement surgeries and the improvement in strength and hip function. I’ve also noticed I never seem to get colds or flu, even when I’ve been around others who have those conditions.”

Pat R. Wimberley, TX

“Primordial Medicine Within™ helped my digestion return to normal after a round of antibiotics had knocked it out of Synch.”
Mark T. Austin, TX

Primordial Medicine within™ for  Chemotherapy Relief

“This round was better! I think the meditation timing really helped. My energy bounced back much more quickly. I didn’t have the nausea and digestive/eliminative issues that I had after the first Chemo session. After my session with Teresa the other day, I slept twelve hours and woke up feeling about 75% like myself (as opposed to the 25% of myself I had felt earlier that day). Amazing.”

A. P. Austin, TX

Primordial Medicine within™ for  Chemotherapy Relief

“Teresa, sometimes I think of you and your Doctor Zhang…teacher, and I cry a little that you have given me, ‘Me’ … and I feel glad and filled with so much gratitude. And more tears.”

C. C. Austin, TX

“Using the Primordial Medicine within™ Self healing Tools, I experienced an improvement and great benefit within only a couple of days, for my prostate and bladder issues.”

Eddie P. Wyoming

“I was very impressed by the amount of energy I had from PMW. I had so much energy that I biked 7 miles and painted my kitchen chairs –  and that was on the same day that I had radiotherapy!”
C. B. Austin, TX